Song of the week (How it works)

2018 EDIT: Since I wrote this post back in 2013, I have simplified my routine so it is more efficient and relies less on looking up words in the dictionary. Here is the updated routine.

“Chanson de la semaine” (song of the week) is a daily warm-up I use in my French classes, once they have a language foundation. The objective is to introduce my students to francophone songs (culture standard) while exposing them to authentic language (interpretive communication).

Depending on the song, sometimes I toss some cultural questions in the mix.

Daily activities last between 5 and 15 minutes depending on the day/song.

I want to thank Corinne Hayes from Southwest schools, who shared this idea with me a few years ago. I have since refined it and made it my own.

Here is an example of song.

Looking for songs? Here is my (not very well updated) song collections for Novice and for Intermediate learners.

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